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Mark Allsop

MARK ALLSOP is managing director of Yarrington Limited, a creative company based in Shrewsbury which works across live events, digital projects, graphic design, video and live streaming. It has just celebrated its 25th anniversary.

HOW HAVE YOU BEEN IMPACTED BY UNCERTAINTIES IN THE ECONOMY? We genuinely haven’t felt any impact. Our clients are drawn from a wide variety of sectors and when budgets reduce for some, there will always be others who require our services. We’re in a stronger trading position now than we were pre-pandemic.

HAS THE FALLOUT FROM THE PANDEMIC CREATED NEW OPPORTUNITIES? Absolutely. The creation of live streaming studios and SBLTV has opened up new revenue streams and introduced us to new clients which continues to grow the company. We’re an agile company that will swiftly adopt new technologies to offer services to clients, and this is a great example of our ability to react positively in a time of deep uncertainty. Remote working has also allowed greater flexibility for staff and improved work/life balances.

ARE YOU STILL MEETING ON ZOOM/TEAMS ETC, OR BACK TO FACE-TO-FACE NETWORKING? We do them all! It comes down to client preference and we still undertake many meetings virtually. As for events, we’re keen on hybrid formats that allow people to join virtually if they are unable to attend. There’s obviously a cost saving to virtual and hybrid events, but we’ve worked hard to offer a better experience for those who can’t attend in person.

HOW DO YOU HOPE YOUR COLLEAGUES WOULD DESCRIBE YOU? Supportive, encouraging, knowledgeable . . . although sometimes challenging.

HIGHLIGHTS OR MILESTONES OF YOUR CAREER SO FAR? There have been a few. I was lucky enough to be in Fleet Street during the eighties and nineties, working with some of the biggest brands in the world which was exciting and fun in equal measure.

The success of Yarrington – from working as a sole trader in a back bedroom to where we are now – has to be the greatest achievement. The multiple and high-profile national awards we’ve won for our work were all stand out moments. We’ve also worked with many hugely talented colleagues and amazing clients in some fabulous locations along the way. I’m proud of the recent SBLTV and BBTV projects for many reasons, and the work we have undertaken that has made a difference to people’s lives.

A couple of stand outs would be flying into Monte Carlo by helicopter prior to a major conference, interviewing Piers Morgan on his TV set in New York . . . and preventing Lesley from stepping on a rattlesnake when we were working at an event in Arizona!

PET HATES? Incompetence, rudeness, a lack enthusiasm, and people who lie. I don’t tend to suffer fools gladly.

IF YOU COULD GO BACK AND GIVE YOUR YOUNGER SELF SOME WISE ADVICE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I have few regrets and I’d do it all again without hesitation, but I’d probably say: “Don’t worry. Trust yourself. Everything will be just fine.”

HOW DO YOU RELAX AWAY FROM WORK? I’m an avid salmon fisherman and have travelled extensively in Scotland, Norway, Iceland, Wales, and Ireland in their pursuit. This year I’ll be heading to the wilds of Greenland to fish for their cousins, Arctic Char.

Hailing from the fair city of Wolverhampton, I have a lifelong affiliation to the Wolves and all the pain that brings. I’m a long-time season ticket holder and whilst I still enjoy attending games, I would never consider it relaxing!

WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IS SPECIAL ABOUT THE SHROPSHIRE BUSINESS COMMUNITY? It’s a relatively small community compared to the larger conurbations and as a result, it all seems friendlier with good communication, and businesses are genuinely supportive of each other.



I read quite a range of genres but rarely revisit titles so would struggle to name a favourite book. My all-time favourite film is the 1983 Bill Forsyth masterpiece, Local Hero. If there could only be one album it would have to be Astral Weeks by Van Morrison, a recording like no other.

FIVE DREAM DINNER PARTY GUESTS, DEAD OR ALIVE? The late great contrarian Christopher Hitchens would definitely be on the guest list, as would Mikael Frödin and Feargal Sharkey, to discuss salmon angling and the abysmal state of our rivers. I’d also want to have my sons Douglas and Lewis there as their company is always enjoyable.

WHAT WOULD YOU COOK FOR THEM? Probably something Italian as it’s my favourite cuisine. However, with that guest list I think that the drinks would be far more important than the food.

AND FINALLY . . . WHAT DO YOU THINK THE NEXT 12 MONTHS HAS IN STORE FOR YOU, AND YOUR BUSINESS? Hopefully more of the same. I’m not out of ideas yet!
