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Accountants celebrate golden anniversary

A Shropshire company is celebrating a major milestone this year and marking the occasion with a new corporate image, website and office refurbishment.

Stanton Ralph Chartered Accountants, of Bridgnorth, was formed 50 years ago by Richard Dyas, with Adam Stanton joining him soon after. Originally they were in premises in the High Street before moving to St Leonards Close in 1984.

The company has grown considerably over the years with 32 people now working in the team and in 2011 moved to the former Old Police Station in Whitburn Street, Bridgnorth, where, following large investment, the building was completely transformed to provide suitable office space.

There are four directors: Adrian Ralph, Philip Wood, Ann Hill and Darren Foot.

Philip said: “We still have several original clients who have been with us over all these years, and we now look after a huge range of clients including sole traders and partnerships, together with a large agricultural base and sizeable corporates who are based locally and throughout the UK.

“To mark this special anniversary, we have had a new brand created, with a fresh website under construction, and have a few events planned for old and new clients over the coming year. This will help in further raising our profile, including attending agricultural shows, together with networking and business events as part of our membership of Shropshire Chamber of Commerce.

“Looking to the future, we are making improvements to the offices to provide an open space working environment, together with new conference room and staff room. We have also welcomed a new director who is local to Bridgnorth, Ann Hill.

"She brings a wealth of experience in accounting and audit - and we are now looking to employ two new trainee accountants this year as the company continues to grow and move forward.”

Pictured:  Philip Wood (front right) and Ann Hill (centre) and some of the team members 
