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Homebuilder donates hedgehog hampers

A donation of food and equipment to help hedgehogs has been handed over to a Shropshire-based wildlife rescue centre by homebuilder Vistry Group.

The company, which is building properties at its The Quarters @ Redhill location in Telford under its Linden Homes and Bovis Homes brands, made the donation to Cuan Wildlife Rescue in Much Wenlock.

The donation ties in with Vistry’s wildlife strategy at The Quarters @ Redhill, with the design of the scheme incorporating a variety of measures to support biodiversity including hedgehog highways, which are a series of small holes at the bottom of fences that allow hedgehogs to roam freely and not get trapped in gardens. The housebuilder has also provided bird boxes, bat bricks, and insect-friendly planting at the development.

Marketing manager for Vistry Mercia, Freya Halsall, said: “We are very keen to do what we can to support the hedgehog population and ensure it flourishes throughout the area.

“At The Quarters @ Redhill, we have worked hard to protect wildlife and encourage it to thrive both during the construction of the new homes, and thinking ahead to when the development is complete and well established.

“We were therefore keen to give some extra support to Cuan Wildlife Rescue to help with the great work they do. The organisation helps thousands of creatures every year and we know that they appreciate every donation of time, money, or items they need.”

Cuan Wildlife Rescue cares for and rehabilitates sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals and birds so that they can eventually be released back into the wild. It treats around 6,000 creatures every year.

Community fundraiser at Cuan Wildlife Rescue, Deb Bolger, said: "Cuan Wildlife Rescue would like to thank the Vistry Group for their kind and much needed donations of hedgehog food and cleaning products. As a charity we rely on the generosity of companies like The Vistry Group and members of the public to support us with wildlife food, cleaning products and financial donations as we receive no funding from the Government.

"Cuan Wildlife is a wildlife rescue centre where we take in sick, injured or orphaned wild animals and birds, with the aim of nursing them back to health. We regularly admit over 6,000 animals & birds in one year. Once fully recovered, great emphasis is placed on returning them to the wild - in most cases, this means back to the area from where they came, where they may have a mate waiting, or where, at least, they will be familiar with their territory or hunting ground"

The donation from Vistry, which included hedgehog food, medicine, towels, gloves, disinfectant and sponges, was handed over by Freya and Vistry Mercia marketing assistant Natalie Powell.

Pictured: Vistry Mercia marketing manager Freya Halsall (left) and marketing assistant Natalie Powell (right) with Cuan Wildlife Rescue’s community fundraiser Deb Bolger (centre, left) and office manager Nikki Backhouse
