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Mental health workshop to be held

A new mental health workshop will be held in Telford in a bid to encourage more managers to be compassionate and supportive leaders in the workplace when dealing with emotional health and wellbeing.

Lucy Edgar and Colin Noble, owners of Human Everything, will be hosting their “Mental Health Workshop: A Manager's Survival Guide” on June 14, at The Best Western Valley Hotel in Ironbridge, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

They said they would be supporting managers on how to best identify and address concerns and how to communicate effectively with their team members.

With their expert guidance and resources gained during their decades of experience in HR and management, Lucy said HR should not be referred to as Human Resources but “Human Everything” as the person should be at the centre of everything rather than resources.

“Compassion and support are key to a successful relationship with staff and sometimes managers do not know how to deliver and offer that. Very often there is a fear of the stigma of mental health in the workplace by staff members but also a fear by managers as they simply do not know how to deal with mental health appropriately. It is not a case that they don’t want to help but they do not know how.

“Our workshop, aimed specifically at managers and senior leaders, will enable them to gain a deeper understanding of mental health, help them identify and address concerns and learn effective communication strategies for discussing sensitive topics with team members,

“We can help our guests create a culture of mental wellness in their business and give them the tools to support their team’s overall wellbeing.

“Identifying someone who may be experiencing challenges with a mental health issue is the first step and then having the confidence to hold a conversation; signpost them to the right support and be confident in that supporting process.”

Colin said they had seen an increase in the number of clients they are supporting with mental health in the workplace since the pandemic.

“We have always covered mental health and wellbeing as part of our services at Human Everything because let’s face it mental health isn’t anything new. However, team members who have never experienced mental ill health before and people of all ages are being impacted.

“Mental ill health issues are present in all workplaces; they have been there long before Covid. However the pandemic has certainly raised awareness, and while workplaces are getting better at understanding that mental ill health may well impact their teams, actually one in four people per year, we still need to help people to understand what they actually need to do with that information.

“Managers who attend our workshop will leave with a new found confidence regarding mental wellness in their business which in turn will support staff retention and so much more.” 

Tickets need to be booked in advance at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mental-health-workshop-a-managers-survival-guide-tickets-635373508267
