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Time running out to tap into support package

Shropshire Council secured free access to funding opportunities for Shropshire businesses to help them through the COVID-19 pandemic – and the time is running out to make a claim.

This free access is only available until 31 October 2020. GRANTfinder, through the Open4Business portal, provides a one stop shop for the funding and support needed to help your business succeed and grow; vital in a time of challenging conditions for business. We want as many local businesses to benefit from this great free resource as possible.

The council says: “We all know that this is a worrying time for many businesses and the future may feel uncertain for many. We hope that finding opportunities through Open4Business will help alleviate some of your concerns.

“This great resource highlights business news including information about new funding streams designed to support you in responding to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Access to the site will allow you to assess whether there are opportunities you can apply for to support your business.”

During May and June Shropshire Businesses made 651 visits to search the Open4Business site. The most popular schemes to date have been:

* Bounce Back Loans Scheme (BBLS)

* COVID-19 Local Authority Discretionary Fund for Small Businesses (England)

* Future Fund COVID-19)

* Salesforce Small Business Grants Programme

* Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

Steve Charmley, Shropshire Council Cabinet member for assets, economic growth and regeneration, said: “Shropshire Council has been working incredibly hard to support businesses, including distributing £79,295,000 to 6,713 businesses as part of the Government’s grant schemes.

“We’re delighted to have the opportunity to promote free access to grant funding information for our local small and medium-sized businesses, particularly at a time where further support is urgently needed and I’m pleased businesses have been making use of it.

“This resource will be available for free until 31 October 2020 so I would encourage all Shropshire businesses to make the most of it as we continue to rebuild the local economy together.”

Although Open4Business is available to all Shropshire businesses, to date, the majority of users have been small businesses with less than 10 employees. It has been most popular with businesses in the accommodation and food service; arts, entertainment and recreation; professional, scientific and technical and retail sectors.

You access information about funding and support for your business by visiting www.idoxopen4business.co.uk/shropshire


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